Groundwater in Nepal serves as a prominent source for domestic use, industrial purposes, and irrigation. In the absence of a reliable surface water source, various water-dependent sectors, including government agencies, have turned to extracting the hidden resource – groundwater, to meet their needs. Notably, there has been a significant surge in water markets within the Kathmandu Valley in recent years. Water extracted from peripheral areas of the valley is transported to the cities, but this has raised concerns about water security in certain locations.
The extraction of these valuable groundwater resources not only depletes the groundwater level but also opens avenues for contamination by surface water flowing through the pores created by massive water mining. Additionally, factors such as global climate change, population growth, increased water demand, and environmental degradation pose threats to the quality and depletion of the groundwater level. It is crucial to study, research, develop, and manage this resource timely for sustainable use.
Against this backdrop, the National Symposium on ‘Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Nepal’ was initiated by CREEW in partnership with Small Earth Nepal (SEN) in December 2009. Subsequently, the Symposium has been held annually during the UN World Water Week in March. Noteworthy partners, including CREEW, SEN, the Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO), and government agencies such as the Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Management Board (KVWSMB) and the Groundwater Resources Development Board (GWRDB), actively contribute to organizing the event. The symposium aims to foster the sharing of knowledge and experiences among academicians, university graduates, government and non-government organizations, research institutes, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders concerned with groundwater issues.

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